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Estuario Summit 2022

All knowledge-holders welcome

Estuario Summit 2022 is organized by our Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC). The aim of the event is to facilitate the development of a conceptual model of the San Juan Bay Estuary social-ecological-technological system as a guideline for conservation, research, water quality monitoring, and education programs. 

Review the topics we’ll discuss during the event. These are available in our manuscript: The San Juan Bay Estuary (sixth edition)

Estuario Summit 2022 will be November, 15, 16 and 17, 2022, 8:30am-5:00pm, at the Sagrado Corazón University (enter the campus through Avenida Eduardo Conde).

Keynote Speakers

Download the agenda here (PDF).


DAY 01

  • Main Theme: Tropical vs temperate characteristics of the estuary.
  • Subtheme 1:  Hydrology
  • Subtheme 2: Biogeochemistry
  • Discussion Topics:
    • The need for long-term understanding of the hydrology of the SJBE.
    • The carbon and nitrogen budgets of the SJBE.
    • Sediments and sedimentation.

DAY 02

  • Main Theme: The functioning of the estuary
  • Subtheme 1: System-level characteristics
  • Subtheme 2: Ecological attributes
  • Discussion Topics:
    • Reconciliation between processes at the microbial level of organization vs processes at higher levels of biotic organization.
    • The patterns of water quality change over time.
    • The effects of extreme events on the ecosystems of SJBE.

DAY 03

  • Main Theme: The estuary as a Social-Ecological-Technological system
  • Subtheme 1:  Anthropogenic influences
  • Subtheme 2:  Monitoring the estuary
  • Discussion Topics:
    • What opportunities for monitoring and understanding of the estuary are available with the restoration of the Caño Martín Peña?
    • Threshold levels for toxicity (or for different levels of stress) to organisms and humans of the multiplicity of measured toxic, heavy, and novel chemicals now stored in sediments and/or entering SJBE every day.
    • Public health

8:30:00 AM


Introduction to the day’s activities


Introduction to the day’s activities


Introduction to the day’s activities

8:45:00 AM

9:00:00 AM

Morning plenary: 

How are temperate and tropical estuaries different?

by Dr. Robert Twilley 

Morning plenary:

How does the SJBE system work?

by Dr. Gustavo Martínez (co-author)

Morning plenary:

Is the SJBE a social-ecological- technological system?

by Dr. Tischa Muñoz-Erickson

9:15:00 AM

9:30:00 AM

9:45:00 AM

Plenary Q&A

Plenary Q&A

Plenary Q&A

10:00:00 AM




10:15:00 AM

10:30:00 AM

Discussion sessions in small groups

Each small group discusses the same questions and drafts a proposed answer to present during the assembly

Discussion sessions in small groups

Each small group discusses the same questions and drafts a proposed answer to present during the assembly

Discussion sessions in small groups

Each small group discusses the same questions and drafts a proposed answer to present during the assembly

10:45:00 AM

11:00:00 AM

11:15:00 AM

11:30:00 AM

11:45:00 AM

12:00:00 PM




12:15:00 PM

12:30:00 PM

12:45:00 PM

1:00:00 PM

Group reports and discussion

Each team presents their proposed answer to each discussion topic to generate a collective answer to each question.

Group reports and discussion

Each team presents their proposed answer to each discussion topic to generate a collective answer to each question.

Group reports and discussion

Each team presents their proposed answer to each discussion topic to generate a collective answer to each question.

1:15:00 PM

1:30:00 PM

1:45:00 PM

2:00:00 PM

2:15:00 PM




2:30:00 PM

Lightning talks

Each speaker has 10 minutes to share a bit of relevant wisdom with the assembly. If the speaker wishes, it may take questions during the allotted 10 minutes.

2:35 PM — Autumn Oczkowski

2:45 PM — Greg Morris

2:55 PM — Jean C. Cuevas Díaz

3:05 PM — Elvira Cuevas

Lightning talks

Each speaker has 10 minutes to share a bit of relevant wisdom with the assembly. If the speaker wishes, it may take questions during the allotted 10 minutes.

2:35 PM — Alana Hanson 

2:45 PM — Jorge Santodomingo

2:55 PM — Jorge Ortiz

3:05 PM — José Rodríguez

Lightning talks

Each speaker has 10 minutes to share a bit of relevant wisdom with the assembly. If the speaker wishes, it may take questions during the allotted 10 minutes.

2:35 PM — Doris Betancourt

2:45 PM — Edwin Hernandez 

2:55 PM — Elvia Meléndez

3:05 PM — Coralys Vicens

2:45:00 PM

3:00:00 PM

3:15:00 PM




3:30:00 PM

Panel discussion

Transdisciplinary conversation between recruited panelists to reflect and synthesize the day’s discussions.

Panel discussion

Transdisciplinary conversation between recruited panelists to reflect and synthesize the day’s discussions.

Panel discussion

Transdisciplinary conversation between recruited panelists to reflect and synthesize the day’s discussions.

3:45:00 PM

4:00:00 PM

4:15:00 PM

4:30:00 PM

Social time

Social time

Social time

4:45:00 PM

5:00:00 PM





Research History & Opportunities

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Cumbre 2022--Research History and Opportunities
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Summit 2022
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To facilitate the conversations that will be part of Estuario Summit 2022, we encourage all participants to read the manuscript, The San Juan Bay Estuary, available on this portal.
Estuario Summit 2022 is a forum open to presenters from all disciplines relevant to the San Juan Bay Estuary and its ecosystems. There will be space to make 10-minute flash presentations. If you want to present, let us know here. Otherwise, leave this little box blank.

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Join as a volunteer

We’re recruiting volunteers to support documentation efforts throughout the event. Sign-up here to become a volunteer.

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