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The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring The Real State Of The World2001Cambridge University Press
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Solutions For An Environment In Peril2001The Johns Hopkins University Press
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State of the Bay 2010
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Ciencia Ambiental Preservemos La Tierra2004I.T.P. Latin America
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Compendio de actividades interactivas para educadores ambientalesMaria Vilches Norat
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The Gulf of Mexico: A special place
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Los Anfibios Y Reptiles De Puerto Rico1998La Editorial, UPR
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Urban Rivers2012University of Pittsburgh Press
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Consorcio del Estuario de la Bahia de San Juan
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Memorias del Simposio Calidad de Agua en Puerto RicoJose R. Escabi Perez
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Antigua and Barbado Environmental Profile
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Plan integral de Manejo y Conservacion para el Estuario de la Bahia de San Juan2000
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The Earth Policy Reader2002W. W. Norton & Company
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Unep Annual Report 20072008United Nations Pubns
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Global Environment Outlook 32002UNEP
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