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Estuaries: A Physical Introduction, 2e1998Wiley
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Reglamentacion de Zonificacion de la Zona Costanera y de Acceso a las playas y costas de Puerto Rico
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Puerto Rico Environmental Law Handbook1990
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Proyecto de ley de desarrollo de aguas de Puerto Rico
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Informe del Gobernador a la Hon. Asamblea Legislativ sobre la Calidad del Medio Ambiente1982
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Putting the Public Trust Doctrine to Work1990
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The Clean Water Act showing Changes Made By the 1977 Amendments1977
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Clean Water Act: Basic Practice Series2006American Bar Association
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Acting For Endangered Species2002University Press of Kansas
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The Challenge of the Environment: A Primer on EPA’s Statutory Authority1972
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Annual Report to the President’ The Protection of Our Environment1982
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La Historia1976Salvat
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Code of Federal Regulations2002
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Pacto para un Nuevo Mundo1991
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Recycling and Solid Waste Legislation in the Southern States1994
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