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Request for Proposal — Waste Characterization Analysis


The San Juan Bay Estuary Program hereinafter called “the Program”, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration and conservation of the water bodies and other habitats within its watershed. The Program is requesting proposals from qualified firms and/or individuals to conduct a characterization analysis of trash produced across the basin, and also develop a proposal for an integrated waste management plan across the municipalities of the watershed. 

A scope of work (Section IV) is included to assist interested firms, hereinafter called “the Contractor”, in the preparation of a proposal. The Contractor must address all possible solutions and work products called for in this Request for Proposal (RFP) based on their experience. 

A Mandatory Informative Meeting will take place in order to broaden the potential Contractor’s understanding and knowledge on the Program’s goals, project site and needs. 


The SJBE system faces a significant impact on its gray infrastructure and environment due to improper management of solid waste and disposal of used oil. The development of awareness campaigns, correct disposal, and recycling waste are fundamental measures for a healthy sewer system and aquatic resources in the estuary. 

Recyclable materials are an untapped resource in Puerto Rico. The potential of these materials could be optimized by generating awareness and developing markets around them. The solid waste prevention and recycling program designed by the Estuario in the past few years allows the community to be more responsible for correctly handling solid waste material.

To continue addressing the threat of solid waste material on communities and the Estuario’s watershed waterbodies, the Estuario will conduct a waste characterization analysis of trash produced within the basin to first understand current use patterns of solid debris within the watershed. Using the results of this analysis, a proposal for an integrated waste management plan across the municipalities of the watershed will be developed. This waste management plan will provide useful information and resources regarding the risks related to improper waste management. The analysis results and recommendations will also be integrated into the hazard mitigation plan with the intention to reduce the amount of waste making it to our waters and will be implemented over the next few years.

The waste management plan will also intend to incorporate a recycling plan adapted for the new realities as a cornerstone of action for the San Juan Bay watershed to reduce debris and stimulate economic activity in the Estuario communities.


 The project location is the watershed or drainage basin of the San Juan Bay Estuary which extends above a broad, flat coastal plain and consists of 83 square miles (215 km2) of land and 14 square miles (36 km2) of water. The San Juan Bay Estuary ecosystem comprises the San Juan Bay and a number of smaller channels and lagoons. Some of these bodies of water include the San Antonio Canal, Condado Lagoon, San José Lagoon, Los Corozos Lagoon, Suárez Canal, Torrecilla Lagoon, and the Piñones Lagoon as well as the interconnecting Martín Peña and San Antonio Channels and the Suárez Canal. Fresh water flows into the system from the creeks and rivers in the watershed, including the Puerto Nuevo River, Juan Méndez Creek, San Antón Creek, Blasina Creek, and the Malaria Canal.  During extreme flood events, fresh water is also received from the Río Grande de Loíza. Ocean water enters the system through three openings: Boca del Morro, El Boquerón at the Condado Lagoon, and Boca de Cangrejos. 

The SJBE system is also defined by small isolated creeks and canals as well as upland areas that drain into the estuary waters described above.  The watershed or drainage basin is relatively small (< 97 square miles (251 km2).  It extends above a broad, flat coastal plain and consists of 83 square miles (215 km2) of land and 14 square miles (36 km2) of water.  Parts of eight municipalities join to form the estuary’s watershed:  Toa Baja, Cataño, Bayamón, San Juan, Guaynabo, Carolina, Loíza, and Trujillo Alto.  Land uses and activities in these areas are closely linked to water quality impacts and the degradation of habitat in the estuary.


The Program requests proposals for the following services: 

  • Understand the current use patterns of solid debris and capacity for recycling initiatives programs among municipalities across the watershed. Reduce the amount of the solid waste and increase the recollection of the materials with potential to be recycled.
  • Conduct a Waste Characterization analysis for the watershed.
  • Develop a proposal for an integrated waste management plan across the municipalities of the watershed.
  • Provide requested data and evidence related to Aquatic Debris to support the CCMP Revision Process and Program Evaluation processes.


The Project Proposal should address the following items in a concise and yet

complete manner and offer all the necessary information for the evaluation of your proposal:

  1. Initial report including a detailed methodology, identification of all tasks to be completed by the Contractor.
  2. Itinerary with expected start and finish dates for the project, as well as a detailed time

frame regarding reports, milestones and/or specific activities.

  1. Detailed budget including materials, specifications, quantities, expenses, and other items.
  2. Statement of Qualifications; Experience of the potential Contractor in similar work, facilities, senior personnel qualifications, number and qualification of junior personnel.
  3. Copy of the Department of State certification to do business in Puerto Rico.
  4. A certification of compliance with all federal and state laws to conduct business in Puerto Rico shall be included in your proposal.
  5. Proposals will be evaluated by an advisory committee who will make the final decision.


Potential Contractors must submit their proposal via email to [email protected] no later than January 28, 2022.  Late proposals or proposals from entities that did not attend both the Mandatory Informative Meeting and Project’s Site Visit will not be accepted (For specific dates please see Section VIII Calendar of Events below). 


Qualified potential Contractors will be short-listed and the final selection will be made by an

advisory committee. The criteria that will be used to evaluate the Proposals will be:

  1. Comprehensiveness, conciseness, clarity, thoroughness, and professional quality of presentation*.
  2. The individual or firm’s experience and history of performance on similar projects, regarding such factors as quality of work, cost control, and ability to meet schedule.
  3. Adequacy of technical staff, as demonstrated by experience, education, and potential project role.
  4. Proposed costs*.
  5. The organization and scheduling of the project requirements and Project Manager accessibility.
  6. Ability to complete project in a short period of time*.

* Criteria that will receive more attention during the evaluation.

The Contractor will be selected based on responses to this RFP through assistance to the Mandatory Informative Meeting and the proposal document. The SJBE Program’s Staff, will be involved in the project but the Contractor will have lead responsibility for the detailed functions and serve as a resource on scientific/technical issues. Contractor shall attend necessary meetings with the SJBE Program’s Staff to approve waste characterization study and proposal for waste management plan. 


The Program anticipates that the process for nominating and selecting a vendor, and awarding

the contract, will be according to the following tentative schedule:

RFP Release: December 1, 2021

Informative, Final Scope and Deliverable Meeting: December 21, 2021

Proposal Due Date: January 28, 2022

Interested entities should call (787) 725-8165 to confirm participation in the Informative Meeting and/or send email to [email protected].


  • Reservations

This RFP does not commit the Program to award a contract, to defray any costs incurred in the preparation of a Proposal pursuant to this RFP, or to procure or contract for work, and request additional information and/or clarifications.

  • Public Records

All Proposals submitted in response to this RFP become the property of the Program and public records, and as such may be subject to public review.

  • Right to Cancel

The Program, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to cancel this RFP for any or no reason, in part or in its entirety, including but not limited to: selection schedule, submittal date, and submittal requirements. If the Program cancels or revises the RFP, all potential Contractors will be notified in writing by the Program.

  • Public Information

Selection announcements, contract awards, and all data provided by the Program shall be protected from public disclosure. Consultants desiring to release information to the public must receive prior written approval from the Program. The Program, at its sole discretion, shall determine the release and disclosure of information related to this RFP and any final work products as a result of this.

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