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Las Aves De Puerto Rico1997La Editorial Universidad de Puerto Rico
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Building A Sustainable Society1983W. W. Norton & Co.
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Estudio sobre la posible presencia de un gradiente de densidades de coliformes fecales en la Bahia de San Juan, Puerto Rico
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Flood Plain Information Rio Matilde Ponce, Puerto Rico
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Flood Plain Information Rio Cibuco y Rio Indio Vega Baja and Vega Alta, P.R
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Flood Plain Information Manati River, Puerto Rico
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Water Resources Data Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands Water Years 1997
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Water Resources Data Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands Water Years 1996
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Water Resources Data Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands Water Year 1999
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Water Resources Data Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands Wtaer Year 1998
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Federal and Commonwealth Joint Permit Application for Water Resource Alterations in Water, including Wetlands of Puerto Rico
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Watershed Management: Moving from Theory to Implementation
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Alternatives To Growth-I1977Ballinger Publishing Company
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Shore Protection Project Fort San Geronimo del Boqueron San Juan, Puerto Rico
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Draft Environmental Assessment And Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact
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