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Programa del Estuario


Una serie de conversaciones sobre la relevancia ambiental, cultural y económica del estuario desde perspectivas científicas y comunitarias.
Estuario Sonoro: Una variedad de voces y perspectivas sobre la importancia del estuario y sus diversas dimensiones. Estuario Profundo: Millie Gil entrevista a científicos, gestores y líderes ambientales y comunitarios sobre diversos temas relacionados a la conservación del estuario.

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The purpose of this contract is to ensure successful management of grants funded by a variety of donors including government agencies, private donors and others. This will be achieved through the establishment and use of best practice project management systems, providing expert advice on donor requirements and regulations, by supporting contract negotiation and review and by helping to build staff capacity to ensure compliance with contractual and donor regulations.

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