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On July 30, 2020, Tropical Storm Isaias passed through Puerto Rico. In preparation, Estuario published a list for main emergency telephone lines, an infographic on the principal materials to include in an emergency backpack and a call to create an emergency contingency plan with family and neighbors through social media and with the help of our Community Resilience Unit.

Workshops for Citizen Scientists

This month, Estuario began a new round of online workshops for its citizen scientists certification program with discussions around the Conservation and Management of Water in Puerto Rico as well as Microplastics Legislations and Opportunities, covering the Water Quality Monitoring and Microplastics Characterization modules. The two workshops were led by Estuario’s Water Quality Monitoring & Citizen Scientist Certification Coordinator, Harold Manrique, DNER’s director of permits and Franchises, Nelson Velázquez and Estuario’s Stakeholder & Aquatic Debris Projects Coordinator Cristina Ramírez, and Engineers Hanna Rodriguez and Laura E. Lugo, both members of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) Caribbean & Puerto Rico Chapter, respectively.

Water Quality Monitoring Day

Estuario will celebrate the annual Water Quality Monitoring Day of Puerto Rico on August 29. The event will implement physical distancing measures and follow pandemic safety protocols. Online workshops offering training for participation in the event continue, with the fourth Water Quality Monitoring Day Training Workshop held on July 29. The workshop was provided by Water Quality Monitoring Day Coordinator Ricardo Quiñones, Water Quality Monitoring & Citizen Science Certification Coordinator Harold Manrique, and Stakeholders & Aquatic Debris Projects Coordinator Cristina Ramírez.

Estuary Cinema Showing 

The month of July started off with the Cine del Estuario screening of Documentary Film La Casa Ausente, in collaboration with the Documentary Filmmakers Association of Puerto Rico. Estuario hosted a panel with the documentary’s creator Rubén Abruña, Architect Fernando Albruña and Executive Director Brenda Torres, discussing Fernando’s vocation, the filmmaking process, Puerto Rico’s current state in the sustainable development sector, and the potential to reach peak sustainability in the Island.

Podcasts: Estuario Sonoro & Estuario Profundo

Continuing the launching of our two new podcasts, the Estuario released new episodes of Estuario Sonoro and Estuario Profundo.

Estuario Sonoro’s themes this month ranged from droughts and water quality monitoring, the importance of resilience communities’ participation in water restoration and management processes, and the communities surrounding the Antiguo Ancón de Loíza.

Centros Resilientes (Resilient Hubs): Podcast host Mariana Reyes converses with Lead Community Resilience Coordinator Rebecca González. Agronomist Gabriel Agosto describes cultivation methods to do from home, community leader Wanda Figueroa talks about the Puente Blanco Community Resilience Hub and Estuario Executive Director Brenda Torres highlights the importance of communities’ empowerment and participation in water restoration and management processes.

Arte y Resiliencia (Art & Resilience): This episode highlights the communities surrounding Antiguo Ancón de Loíza that pay tribute to the history of that space through community work and art. This episode features Alex Villegas, the community resilience coordinator at El Ancon de Loiza’s, Juan Pablo Vizcaíno y María Luisa Cortijo from the Colectivo El Ancón de Loíza. Additionally, agronomist Gabriel Agosto, discusses the community gardens at El Ancon and Director Brenda Torres speaks to us about the Río Grande de Loíza.

Estuario Profundo released its second and third episodes this month, featuring Estuario team members sharing their expertise in ongoing solid waste management and awareness campaigns, as well as other key Estuario initatives.

Both podcasts are available in all major platforms, and can also be streamed through https://estuario.org/podcasts.

Virtual Campaigns

Estuario continues to educate its communities under the physical distancing measures due to the pandemic, utilizing virtual platforms.

This month, the Estuario released campaigns to continue building community resilience around water conservation and help mitigate the effects of the current drought, mindfulness and self-care during the pandemic, the importance of urban planning and its relationship with community resilience, as well as contagion reduction.

Media Coverage 

Estuario shares the following video report:

M. Cañizares. July 15 2020. Amenazado Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan por invasión de aguas sucias. Noticentro. WAPA TV. Web. https://www.wapa.tv/noticias/especiales/amenazado-estuario-de-bahia-de-san-juan-por-invasion-de-aguas-sucias_20131122481871.html

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