Water Quality Day of Puerto Rico

The sixteenth Water Quality Day of Puerto Rico will be on Saturday, April 13, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Have you chosen your body of water yet? Registration is open! Create your group, choose your body of water and register it at: estuario.org/diadecalidaddeagua
Soon, we will share the dates for the training workshops and kit distribution events. Keep an eye on our social networks and your weekly update.
Educational Activities at Condado Lagoon
Bring your school group to the Condado Lagoon Natural Estuarine Reserve! Estuario is offering educational activities in the Jaime Benítez Park, including interpretive tours, workshops, and other activities related to the topics of biodiversity, ecosystems, water quality, green infrastructure and coastal resilience.

Spaces are available Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., for groups of all levels (K-12), from public schools, private schools, or homeschoolers, with a maximum of 30 participants per activity. These activities count towards Contacto Verde hours.
To coordinate, write to us at: [email protected]
Employment Opportunities

Accountant – The San Juan Bay Estuary Partnership is seeking qualified applications for an Accountant to join our highly skilled team for projects receiving funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The ideal candidate performs a variety of tasks related to budget preparation and maintenance of grant budgets. In order to succeed in this position, the candidate must be organized and have excellent time management skills.
Senior Project Lead (Juan Méndez Creek Restoration) – The San Juan Bay Estuary Partnership (Estuario) is seeking qualified applicants for the Senior Project Lead- Juan Méndez Creek position to lead project efforts in coordination with Estuario’s work and its team. This contractor will act as project liaison and will be responsible for leading the technical aspects of the project; carry out the reconnaissance study and develop the report, manage data, support coordination with USACE and carry out any other tasks needed to manage technical aspects for the Juan Mendez Creek Restoration.
Stakeholder and Engagement Manager – The Stakeholder and Engagement Manager assists the Executive Director and the Management Conference with engagement, educational, and outreach activities. The position oversees and coordinates Management Conference (MC) committees and pursues new partnerships and funding opportunities; they provide staff support for the Management Conference and serves as a liaison for various external working groups.
Capacity Building and Facilitation Services—Request for Proposal – The San Juan Bay Estuary Partnership (Estuario) seeks qualified applicants to work at Capacity Building Services. The Capacity Building Services supports Estuario’s role as a regional convener, catalyst, and facilitator to restore and maintain clean waters that support a thriving ecosystem, healthy communities, and vibrant ecosystem in the San Juan Bay Estuary and its urbanized watershed.
Stakeholder Education & Awareness—Estuario Internship Opportunity – The San Juan Bay Estuary Partnership (Estuario) seeks university-level interns to raise awareness within municipalities and educate about the importance of correct management of solid/liquid waste, including the impact of incorrect disposal of used oil and other materials on gray infrastructure and the environment.
Estuario Resident Artists—Request for Proposal – Estuarine Resident Artists generate artistic expressions that engage citizens in the process of conservation and restoration of the estuarine watershed, in a creative and culturally relevant way. Through dialogue and exchange of ideas on the restoration and conservation of the estuarine ecosystem, the resident artists manage to increase environmental awareness and facilitate the development of a resilient watershed.
See more information in: estuario.org/empleos
Certification for Citizen Scientists
Below are the upcoming events. We regularly add more activities. See more information at: estuario.org/ccc

March 19 – Field Trip: Ecological Assessment of Coral Reefs; with Coastal Resilience Coordinator, Daritzel Cintrón, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at Balneario El Escambrón
March 23 – Field trip: planting coastal vegetation; with arborist Andreína Alexatos, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Northeast Ecological Corridor, Luquillo
March 28 – Introduction to Coastal Resilience Workshop; with Coral Avilés, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. via Zoom
March 31 – Field Trip: Ecological Assessment of Coral Reefs and Seagrasses; with Daritzel Cintron, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Laguna del Condado
Support us with your tax refund

By making your individual contribution in 2024, support the San Juan Bay Estuary Partnership with your tax return refund. Look for the option “Contribution to the Special Fund for the San Juan Bay Estuary“, on line 1B of the “Refund” box. Read more, here.
Weekly water quality monitoring
Evaluation conducted on Thursday, March 14, 2024. We have a GREEN flag for the Condado Lagoon. We recommend avoiding the area that exceeded the water quality parameter for enterococci (Beach Action Value) of 70 CFU/100 ML. Remember to avoid the water during rain events. Have a nice weekend!