Estuario Weekly Update
An estuarine greeting! Below, we share this week’s opportunities for collaboration, volunteering, and training, through initiatives and actions scheduled in benefit of the ecosystems and communities of the San Juan Bay Estuary.
Family Day at the Condado Lagoon Natural Estuarine Reserve

On Saturday, March 2, 2024, join us for a clean-up in the Lagoon (with Contacto Verde or community service hours), a yoga session, an interpretive tour, a talk about biodiversity in the Lagoon, ecological trivia, and the Cine del Estuario feature. There will be healthy food and juice concessionaires. The tour, the talk and the trivia will be valid as Contacto Verde hours. See more information at:
Cine del Estuario

Employment Opportunities

Senior Project Lead (Juan Méndez Creek Restoration) – The San Juan Bay Estuary Partnership (Estuario) is seeking qualified applicants for the Senior Project Lead- Juan Méndez Creek position to lead project efforts in coordination with Estuario’s work and its team.
Green Infrastructure Specialist—Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – The San Juan Bay Estuary Partnership (Estuario) is seeking qualified applicants for the Green Infrastructure Specialist position to carry out data collection and assessments, necessary field evaluations, assess gray/green infrastructure and collaborate with research fellows.
Estuario Internship Opportunity—Stakeholder Education & Awareness – The San Juan Bay Estuary Partnership (Estuario) seeks university-level interns to raise awareness within municipalities and educate about the importance of correct management of solid/liquid waste, including the impact of incorrect disposal of used oil and other materials on gray infrastructure and the environment.
Request for Proposal—Capacity Building and Facilitation Services – The San Juan Bay Estuary Partnership (Estuario) seeks qualified applicants to work at Capacity Building Services. The Capacity Building Services supports Estuario’s role as a regional convener, catalyst, and facilitator to restore and maintain clean waters that support a thriving ecosystem, healthy communities, and vibrant ecosystem in the San Juan Bay Estuary and its urbanized watershed.
Más información en:
Certification for citizen scientists
Below are the upcoming events. We schedule more activities regularly. See more at

March 7 – Introduction to Participatory Bird Census Workshop; with environmental educator Coral Avilés, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. via Zoom
March 10 – Field Trip: Participatory Bird Census; with Coral Avilés and Eliezer Nieves, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in San Juan’s Central Park

Other activities

Last Saturday, February 17, 52 volunteers planted around 253 specimens of coastal vegetation throughout the Piñones beach in Loíza. In addition to planting, they held a short discussion about coastal reforestation as a method of sand dune restoration and conducted water quality monitoring in the area.

As part of the microplastic characterization and reduction module of Estuario’s certification for citizen scientists, several volunteers accumulated and identified samples of microplastics taken in a boat trip through the Torrecilla and Los Corozos lagoons.

On Monday, February 26, our Aquatic Debris Manager, Cristina Ramirez, collected water samples from the storm sewer system in Loíza Street, following a rain event. Samples were taken on the Tito Matos, Las Palomas, Pomarrosa and Kings Court streets. These assessments are part of the efforts of the community campaign Que no toque el piso ni llegue al agua, an effort to reduce and responsibly manage solid waste and cooking oils in the community.
Cobertura mediática
February 29, 2024. Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan invita a donar parte del reintegro. Ambiente. Ey Boricua. Web.
Support us with your tax refund

By making your individual contribution in 2024, support the San Juan Bay Estuary Partnership with your tax return refund. Look for the option “Contribution to the Special Fund for the San Juan Bay Estuary“, on line 1B of the “Refund” box. Read more, here.
Weekly water quality monitoring

Assessment conducted on Thursday, February 29, 2024. We have a GREEN flag for the Condado Lagoon. However, we recommend avoiding areas that exceeded the “Beach Action Value” water quality parameter for enterococci of 70CFU/100ML. Have a great weekend!