2023 hurricane season begins

This week, a new hurricane season began. Estuario invites you to download the Community Hurricane Preparedness Guide and employ its recommendations. The strength and resilience of your community begins at home.
Also, you can visit Estuario’s Virtual Community Center, an online database where you’ll find vital information, such as relevant emergency numbers and instructions for preparing emergency backpacks. Don’t be alarmed! Be prepared.
Employment opportunities

Estuario seeks qualified applications to add an accountant to our team for projects that receive Bipartisan Infrastructure Act funding.
See the announcement: https://estuario.org/contract-announcement-accountant-bipartisan-infrastructure-law-funding/
Estuario seeks to hire a facilitator of intersectoral collaboration in the detection and correction of illicit discharges within the San Juan Bay Estuary and its watershed.
Family day trip at Condado Lagoon Natural Estuarine Reserve

Only one day left for the next family day trip in the Condado Lagoon Natural Estuarine Reserve! Join us this Saturday, June 3, 2023, starting at 9:00 a.m. at Jaime Benitez Park. We’ll have an illustration workshop, educational games and a story reading for the whole family.
Learn more at https://estuario.org/eventos/.
Estuario Resident Artist
A new season of Estuario resident artists begins. Join the artist Angélica Rivera and be part of the realization of the Mural with conscience; a project where you’ll learn how to illustrate the species that inhabit the Condado Lagoon Natural Estuarine Reserve.

The project consists of three workshops, where you’ll create illustrations that will be part of a collaborative mural in Jaime Benítez Park. Below are the dates of the workshops:
- June 3– Botanical Illustration: from Observation to Expression – with botanist Mario García Quesada
- June 10– Marine Life and Me – with oceanographer and marine biologist, Dr. Jorge Bauzá
- June 24 – The Elements, Nature and Me
All workshops will be held at Jaime Benitez Park, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. These are free of cost.
Register at https://estuario.org/eventos/.
For more information, contact Lara Medina at [email protected]. See you there!
World Oceans Day

Join us for the virtual workshop: Oceanography and Water Quality in an Urban Estuary: Stories and Experiences in Commemoration of World Oceans Day; from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. Sign up today, athttps://estuario.org/eventos/.
Certification for citizen scientists

Coastal resilience module:
- June 9 – Field trip: monitoring coral communities; 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at Laguna del Condado
- June 10 – Field trip: mangrove planting; 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Crashboat Beach, Aguadilla
- June 14 – Introduction to coastal resilience; virtual workshop via Zoom, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Water Quality Module
- June 8 – Field trip: bacteriological monitoring in Laguna del Condado and coastal coast; from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Sign up today! View all events and additional information about the certification process and thematic modules, in https://estuario.org/ccc/.
Remember that we are certifying students in grades 9-12 through the coastal resilience module. Through certification, it is possible to do your Green Contact or community service hours (public or private school).
For more information and to coordinate your participation, please contact us by email at: [email protected] and [email protected].
We are looking for leaders for the recycling stations of the second Tito Matos Fest in Taller Comunidad La Goyco

The campaign Que no toque el piso ni llegue al agua and Estuario’s Certification for Citizen Scientists invite you to participate as a volunteer in the recycling stations of the second Tito Matos Fest, at Taller Comunidad La Goyco, on Saturday, June 10 and Sunday, June 11, 2023. Choose your turn and register, here.
The support in the recycling stations during the event will be validated as a field experience of the Microplastics Characterization and Reduction Module of the Estuario Ceritification for Citizen Scientists.
Tito Matos Fest is a commemoration of the life, labor, music, art and community activism of Tito Matos, a great friend, collaborator and neighbor of the San Juan Bay Estuary.
Weekly water quality monitoring

Evaluation carried out on Thursday, June 1, 2023. We have a GREEN flag for the Condado Lagoon Natural Estuarine Reserve. We recommend avoiding the areas that exceeded the water quality parameter for enterococci (70 CFU/100mL). Remember to avoid direct contact with water during rain events.