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Storm Sewers’ Illicit Discharges Consent Decrees: Public Forum

On Tuesday October 20, 2020 Estuario broadcasted an informative forum for the communities of the San Juan Bay Estuary Watershed, with the participation of the EPA, Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewers Authority (PRASA), Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER), and the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan (MSJ). 

The forum highlighted the work, planning and organization of these agencies in relationship with the elimination of illicit discharges onto storm sewer systems in San Juan, as per their judicial resolutions through consent decrees with the US Federal Government.

The 2-hour broadcast audience peaked at 76 live viewers, and has, by the time of publication of this post, reached over 2.5K viewers in Facebook. 

Estuario wishes to thank the experts who lended their time and knowledge to this forum’s panel: 

  • Evelyn Huertas, Regional Coordinator (EPA Caribbean Environmental Protection Division)
  • Engr. Doriel Pagán Crespo, Executive President (PRASA)
  • Juan C. Pérez Bofill, Deputy Director of Compliance & Quality Control (PRASA)
  • Hon. Rafael A. Machargo Maldonado, Secretary (DNER)
  • Alexander Ávila, Special Assistant to the Operations and Decoration Department (MSJ)

Estuario published relevant information to the public ahead of the forum, including copies of the consent decrees between the agencies and the US. Access Action on Consent Decrees: Community Resources (SP) HERE. After the forum, Estuario also published the Community Protocol to Submit Complaints of Environmental Violations (SP). Read it HERE.

You can watch the forum here:

Zugunruhe 2020: Learning, Celebrating & Enjoying Migratory Birds from CASA 

In conmemoration of the Migratory Birds Festival through the month of October, Estuario partnered with Centro Ambiental Santa Ana (CASA) to present Zugunruhe 2020: Celebrando, aprendiendo y disfrutando de las aves migratorias. The webinar concentrated in the species that migrate to Puerto Rico and the Caribbean region, their migration patterns, symbiotic relationship to their natural environments, and tools and techniques to identify, observe and count them. It took place Saturday, October 24 2020. 32 people attended. 

DEA National Takeback:

Estuario partnered with the DEA in a campaign to reduce the amount of e-waste in Puerto Rico. The DEA National Takeback Day campaign called on the public to take their unused electronics to one of several drop-off locations on Saturday October 24 2020, listed HERE

Listen to the new episode: Estuario Profundo

In Estuario Profundo’s new episode released Monday, October 19 2020, journalist Millie Gil interviews environmental planner and EPA Caribbean Environmental Protection Division Director, Carmen R. Guerrero. 

To listen to all episodes of Estuario Profundo, look for Estuario in your favorite podcast platform or go to:

Weekly Water Quality Monitoring

Here are this week’s results, performed Thursday October 22, 2020. Results are released every Friday through our Facebook Page.

Media Coverage & Other Publications

Interview of Brenda Torres. Monday, October 19 2020. Foro presenta los procesos que se dan para cumplir con la Ley Federal de Aguas Limpias. Hoy en las noticias. WRTU Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico. Web. 

Editorial. Friday, October 16 2020. Estuario invita a foro sobre esfuerzos interagenciales para cumplir con aguas limpias. El Nuevo Día. Web. 

Tuesday, October 20 2020. Foro sobre aguas limpias. Negocios. El Nuevo Día. p. 26.

As part of October’s Migratory Birds Festival and promotion for Saturday 24th’s Zugunruhe 2020, Estuario highlighted migratory birds’ abilities in social media. These species can be considered great geographers: they’re able to remember the terrains they travel in detail and use the stars and the earth’s magnetic field for guidance. 

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