The San Juan Bay Estuary Program (Estuario) is seeking a Budget Analyst and Billing Officer to join our highly skilled team.
In this section you will find job opportunities available at the Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan Program. They are posted in order of date, from the most recent. We hope you can join our team!
The San Juan Bay Estuary Program (Estuario) is seeking a Budget Analyst and Billing Officer to join our highly skilled team.
The San Juan Bay Estuary Program (Estuario) requests proposals from locally-based qualified firms and individuals to develop a new web-based app—the Passport to the Estuario. This app will allow users to access information about each of the green spaces that constitute the Urban Forest Network, as well as promote their enjoyment through notifications. The app will also allow the user to input location-based environmental information.
The San Juan Bay Estuary Program requests proposals from qualified firms and individuals to develop and integrate a new feature to the existing Estuario mobile application.
El Coordinador de Resiliencia Comunitaria estará apoyando las actividades para la resiliencia comunitaria de manera remota y utilizando mecanismos virtuales para lograr comunicación efectiva con comunidades.
The ideal candidate will have strong work plan development and progress oversight skills. In order to succeed in this position, the candidate must be organized and have excellent time management skills.
El o la artista gráfico tendrá la responsabilidad de evaluar, crear, modificar o desarrollar material educativo en diversos formatos o herramientas que incluyen pero no se limitan a: PDF, JPEG, WORD, PNG, Canva.
Professional services to be rendered from June 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020
El Programa del Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan (Estuario) solicita servicios profesionales de un artista gráfico para ser parte de los esfuerzos de reducción y manejo adecuado de desperdicios sólidos en la Calle Loíza del Municipio de San Juan.
El Programa del Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan (Estuario) por segundo año lanza el Programa de Artistas Residentes en las áreas de conservación de agua, sostenibilidad, empoderamiento económico y cultural, y acceso a la atención médica en la región metropolitana de Puerto Rico.
The San Juan Bay Estuary Partership is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that designs, implements, and provides restorative maintenance in order to improve water quality and ecosystems within the Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan and its basin.
Call: +1 787 725 8165
Visit in-person:
1315 Ponce De Leon Ave, San Juan, PR 00907
P.O. Box 9509
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00908-9509
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