Weekly Update from Estuario
Happy New Year!
Every week we share collaboration, volunteering and work opportunities through programmed actions and initiatives in benefit of the communities and ecosystems of the San Juan Bay Estuary Watershed. These activities, recommendations and information are for everyone’s benefit.
Successful Culmination of Christmas Bird Censuses

This 2021-2022 Holiday Season, Estuario successfully completed its traditional Gamaliel Pagán Hernández Christmas Bird Census circuit, carried out between December 14 and January 5. We thank all participating volunteers and citizen scientists, as well as the managers, administrators and entities who gave us access to their natural areas. See you next year!
Media Coverage
Torres Barreto, B. December 31 2021. Progresos hacia la sostenibilidad en el 2022. Punto de vista. El Nuevo Día. p.19.
Web: https://www.elnuevodia.com/opinion/punto-de-vista/2021-progresos-hacia-la-sostenibilidad-en-2022/
Weekly Water Quality Monitoring
Here are this week’s results for the bacteriological monitoring performed Thursday, January 13, 2022. These results are also posted in our social media.
The actions for the restoration and management of bodies of water within the San Juan Bay Estuary Watershed are possible thanks to the public. Donations to the San Juan Bay Estuary Program are deductible from Puerto Rico and US tax returns.
For more info, go to https://estuario.org/donate/.
Follow us on social media, where we share information on activities which will contribute to your knowledge and personal and professional development. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us through [email protected].
Register as a volunteer, HERE.