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Que No Toque el Piso Ni Llegue al Agua

The community campaign “Que no toque el piso ni llegue al agua” is an initiative that seeks to conserve the quality of bodies of water through the correct management of solid waste and its diversion from storm sewers.

This effort arises from the interest, concern and action of the Machuchal community through Calle Loíza and its neighboring sectors.

We appreciate the close collaboration of Taller Comunidad La Goyco and Comité Machuchal Limpio.

Community Liaison

Estuario recognizes the importance of integrating artists, neighbors, leaders, residents, and liaisons into its community initiatives. This is key to continuing efforts started in communities and achieving a committed, dedicated, and willing representation.

The community participation of Iliana García, her commitment and performance in the community of Machuchal and Calle Loíza has achieved a uniform message to improve the management of solid waste.

The neighbor Jesús Perez joins as a community liaison. He founded Desvidrio, an initiative for the management and diversion of glass. His creativity, perseverance, and interest in the issue of environmental sustainability strengthens this initiative from several angles.

Visual Campaign — Community Artist

We acknowledge the artist and neighbor Yolanda Velazquez, creator of the art and visual design of this campaign, who rescued information from various community sectors through a questionnaire, for the visual development of the project. The entire design stage was carried out digitally using virtual tools, including questionnaires, workshops, and calls with the community. 

The process of communication and relationship with the community continued through various channels. A total of 82 responses were obtained, resulting in the official Logo.

The main logo of the campaign was developed to feature hands that come together forming a circle that embraces the sea. The way in which the colors were arranged conforms to the suggestion of a marine landscape, with blue representing the sea, yellow representing the sun, white for the foam of waves and clouds, and red for the earth and human presence. The black linework defines the shapes and highlights the brilliance of the rest of the colors and shapes of the design. 

Swimmers Series

  • This series is conceptualized from the images of predominant waste that we can observe discarded incorrectly through the community.
  • The message “De la Loíza al mar un paso es (From The Loíza to the sea is just a step)” reminds us of the proximity of the community to the sea, and how any waste that is not disposed of correctly will reach the waters. Usually, garbage is deposited in corners to then be collected, where the storm sewers that carry the water to the sea are also located. The phrase is also a tribute to the musical history of the community. It is based on a song by Puerto Rican musician Willie Rosario: “De Barrio obrero a la 15 un paso es”.
  • Every object that reaches the sea becomes a pollutant for humans and marine fauna.
  • We can observe swimmers among the garbage, surrounded by pollution that in many cases they have caused themselves.
  • It was decided to use only images of people at sea, as it is the closest way to immediately identify with the warning of bad garbage management practices: bottles, glasses and bags become a human trap that also destroys the environment.

Collaborators/Memorandums and Products

As part of collaborators’ commitment, a memorandum of understanding was created to develop official alliances to undertake actions aimed at the implementation of the project. Among them we have the following collaborators:

  1. Taller Comunidad La Goyco
  2. Comité Machuchal Limpio
  3. Tais
  4. CocoBana
  5. Double Cake
  6. Egg Joint
  7. Vecino Nieves
  8. Eres Inc
  9. Panucho Inc
  10. La Preñá Fonda
  11. Mercado Machuchal
  12. Sin Prisa
  13. Israel Mini Market
  14. Ana Cafe
  15. Jugueria Curativa
  16. Creaciones Mexicanas
  17. Theo Greek Cafe
  18. Electroshock
  19. Vasonoro
  20. Calle Loiza Inc.
  21. Pinkys
  22. A pie café
  23. Raíces

Audiovisual Materials

Oil Disposal Video

We share the following video, which presents the efforts of this campaign, the importance of properly handling used cooking oil, and protecting water infrastructure:

Interviews (Podcasts)
Here we hold conversation about the Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan and its basin, which extends through eight municipalities, and the habitat it provides for multiple plant and animal species.
Cristina Ramírez is a geographer and expert in the management of solid waste, coordinator of alliances and community outreach of the Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan Program. Here she chats with Millie Gil in Estuario Profundo.
Environmental voiceovers:

These voiceovers were produced by Calle Loíza, Inc. and disseminated to the public through a sound bus every Saturday of June 2022, throughout the communities of Machuchal norte and sur; including the Loíza Street.

Storm sewer conservation

Oil diversion

Visit, Evaluation, Education, and Recognition of Businesses

The importance of including the commercial sector as part of the strategy of this initiative is to schedule visits and evaluations of merchants through Calle Loíza, with the aim of providing them with tools to highlight those actions they take in their daily management in favor of the environment.

Among the actions evaluated are education to the public, filtered water, diversion and/or handling of materials, does not use disposable materials, use of crockery and/or compostable materials, oil recycling and use of eco-friendly products and responsible cleaning.

Recognition of volunteers and collaborators

On Saturday, February 3, 2024, as part of the Community Fair at Taller Comunidad La Goyco, the campaign Que no toque el piso ni llegue al agua—initiative to improve the management of solid waste and the conservation of water resources through Loíza Street—recognized the volunteers who have supported its many efforts. On this occasion, the campaign wanted to recognize those volunteers, neighbors and collaborators for their effort and commitment to a cleaner and healthier environment. Those who have participated in the massive activities (Tito Matos Fest, Christmas Lighting, etc.), diversion of materials (organic, glass, oil, batteries, cardboard, aluminum), members of Machuchal Limpio, the team of Taller Comunidad La Goyco, collaborators in general, neighbors who have labeled their garbage containers, workshop workers, the group of plena Candela and others were recognized. To more than 150 people, we say: Thank you, for supporting the conservation of natural resources, public health and our water bodies!

As part of the Fair’s calendar was the workshop “Collilleros” #quenolleguealagua, by José Luis Gutiérrez, from Taller Comején. We also appreciate the efforts to divert organics and glass that take place at the Fair, on the first Saturday of every month.

Water Quality Monitoring in the Storm Sewer System

Estuario seeks to raise awareness of the connection between solid waste management and water quality through a comprehensive educational campaign. For this, a water monitoring system was established that can identify improvements in water quality and correlate changes with the measures implemented through an educational process. A series of parameters were chosen to identify the conditions of the water flowing through the storm sewers. The parameters were chosen based on three references: parameters studied by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under impact studies related to landfills and leachate, parameters historically studied by the San Juan Bay Estuary Program and parameters recommended by the laboratory in charge of carrying out the analyses of the established project.

Public Policy

In 2021, a public policy approach was added to the campaign. The efforts and communications with the community and the commercial sector have informed the concerns and recommendations that are being conveyed to the Municipality of San Juan, the Department of Transportation and Public Works, the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources and the legislature.  The new contribution in the aspect of public policy as a tool for education, facilitator and monitoring creates the opportunity to make lasting changes.

ACT 51-2022

As part of our support for the transition of businesses on Loíza Street to comply with Act 51-2022, known as the Law to prohibit the sale and use of single-use plastics in any commercial establishment, we share this informative sheet for everyone’s benefit.

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