National Estuaries Week 2021
We’ve reached the end of National Estuaries Week 2021. As part of this commemoration, Estuario held a myriad of activities for the public. These included the International Coast Cleanup of Puerto Rico, a virtual workshop about estuaries, an interpretative tour through the Condado Lagoon Estuarine Reserve, and the virtual broadcast of the installation of marine habitat restoration infrastructure, named BioHUTS.

International Coast Cleanup 2021
On Saturday, September 18, 2021, Estuario initiated its National Estuaries Week celebration in collaboration with Scuba Dogs in their yearly International Coast Cleanup of Puerto Rico. Once again, Estuario adopted the Southeast shores of the Condado Lagoon Estuarine Reserve to conduct its cleanup. We thank all the volunteers who collaborated, Amigos de la Laguna, and the Municipality of San Juan. See the photo gallery of the event, HERE.
¿Qué es un estuario? Workshop
Water Quality Monitoring and Citizen Scientists Coordinator, Harold Manrique, gave a live talk regarding estuaries and their ecosystems on September 21, 2021. The talk was broadcast live through our Facebook Page. It attracted a peak of 16 live viewers and has reached over 500 people since. See it HERE.
Discover Estuario’s BioHUTS
Estuario inaugurated the installation of its BioHUTS at the Club Náutico de San Juan, on September 24, 2021. These BioHUTS are cage-like structures which, once installed, will allow for the propagation and growth of species in this ecosystem. See more information about the project HERE.

Condado Lagoon Interpretative Tour
Our Education Team, Coral Avilés and Eliezer Nieves, led a hike through the Condado Lagoon Estuarine Reserve on September 22, 2021. The tour focused on the Reserve’s ecosystems. It also provided an opportunity to highlight its importance for surrounding communities, and to call for the protection and enjoyment of green urban spaces. 6 people were impacted.

25 Days of Giving with Grupo Guayacán, Inc.
Estuario is currently collaborating with Grupo Guayacán, Inc., who have selected Estuario – as well as other entities who have made a difference in Puerto Rico – as part of their 25 Days of Giving initiative. You can access their website, and make a donation through their portal.

US Water Prize 2021 Ceremony
The US Water Alliance’s US Water Prize Ceremony happened Friday, September 23, 2021. Among other entities and institutions, Estuario was presented with the award for Outstanding Nonprofit Organization. Meet the other prize winners and see a recording of the virtual transmission, HERE.

Weekly Water Quality Monitoring
Here are this week’s results, performed Thursday, September 23, 2021. Published each Friday through our Facebook Page.
Media Coverage & Publications
Torres Barreto, B. September 18, 2021. Economía climática justa. Opinión. El Nuevo Día. p.49.
Editorial. September 22, 2021. Así puedes ayudar a mejorar la calidad de las aguas y de los ecosistemas. El Vocero. Web.
Preparing for the Hurricane Season
We’re in the midst of the Atlantic hurricane season. As part of hazard mitigation efforts, Estuario is enacting a season-wide informative campaign, centered in the promotion of Estuario’s Virtual Resilent Community Hub. The hub continues to be updated with essential information to the public regarding preparation and hazard mitigation management.
Follow us on social media for information on activities and capacity building opportunities. If you have any questions, feel free to write to [email protected].

The San Juan Bay Estuary Watershed’s water quality management and restoration actions are possible thanks to our public. Donations to the San Juan Bay Estuary Program are deductible in Federal and Local tax returns.
For more information and to make a donation, click here: