Estuario Weekly Update
Through our weekly update, we share opportunities for collaboration, volunteering, and work; through initiatives and actions programmed for the benefit of the ecosystems and communities of the San Juan Bay estuary. These activities, tips and information are for everyone’s benefit.
First Caribbean Forum ¡Por las aguas!
The Caribbean islands face many challenges for their waters. These include: the impact of climate change, access to drinking water, construction near water bodies, pipelines and water management, the impact of waste storage, extractive mining, military interventions in the area, the destruction of coastlines and historical economic debts and their impact on ecology.
At the Primer Foro Caribeño ¡Por las Aguas!, participants from each country will share the actions they’re taking to face of specific challenges. The Forum is sponsored by Jubileo Sur, Comuna Caribe, La Maguá and Amnistía Internacional PR. The forum will happen on Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at 7PM via Zoom and Facebook Live. For more information, go to the Por Las Aguas Facebook page.
Sign Up: Puerto Rico Water Quality Monitoring Day 2022
Gather your group and choose a body of water to participate in the largest citizen science event of the Island: the Water Quality Monitoring Day of Puerto Rico 2022 will be on Saturday, August 27, from 9:00AM-11:00AM. Access our portal, where you’ll be able to find more information about the event and use our interactive map to help you identify bodies of water that you can monitor. Sign up today!
Media Coverage
Ayala, M. June 30, 2022. Leading the Way for Doing your Bit for Bird Counts. EcoTreasures Magazine. Web.
Weekly Water Quality Monitoring
Evaluation conducted on Thursday, July 7, 2022. We have red flag at the Laguna del Condado Natural Estuarine Reserve and other areas which did not pass quality standards. We recommend avoiding any contact with these areas and being aware of any precipitation events.

Message from your Virtual Community Hub
This 2022 hurricane season, Estuario encourages you to download the Community Hurricane Preparedness Guide and apply its recommendations. The strength and resilience of your community starts at home. In this month of June, we continue to urge communities to recognize natural risks and stay informed.
Take advantage of our informative platform, the Virtual Community Hub, where you will find vital information to prepare your family and community.
We remind you that to learn about our Hazard Mitigation Program and identify the risks, conditions and community assets available in your community:
The actions for the restoration and management of bodies of water within the San Juan Bay Estuary Watershed are possible thanks to the public. Donations to the San Juan Bay Estuary Program are deductible from Puerto Rico and US tax returns.
For more info, go to
Follow us on social media, where we share information on activities which will contribute to your knowledge and personal and professional development. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us through [email protected].
Register as a volunteer, HERE.