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Estuario Weekly Update

Greetings from the Estuario! Through our Weekly Update, we inform our stakeholders of events, projects, activities, and training opportunities in benefit of the San Juan Bay estuary watershed, its communities, and its connected ecosystems. 

New Employment Opportunity

Senior Program Manager

Estuario is seeking a dynamic and experienced full-time Senior Program Manager to provide leadership, support, and coordination for the Estuario in a broad range of projects and programs.

The Senior Program Manager is the organization’s second-in-command and responsible for the efficiency of business. Apply before December 28, 2023. 

See more at:

Certification for Citizen Scientists

Below are the scheduled events:

Coastal Resilience Module:

  • December 16 – Field trip: planting of coastal vegetation with Andreína Alexatos, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at La Pocita de Piñones
  • December 19 – Thematic Workshop—Ecological Assessment of Marine Habitats: Coral Reefs and Seagrass Meadows; with Daritzel. Cintron, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. via Zoom

Gamaliel Pagán Hernández Christmas Bird Censuses

The Gamaliel Pagán Hernández Christmas bird censuses have begun!

This season, we are conducting censuses at 18 spots around the San Juan Bay Estuary, between the dates of December 14, 2023 and January 5, 2024.

See the locations and sign up today, at

Other activities

Estuario Job Fair:

The Estuario Job Fair was a great success! We thank those who joined us in our office and through Zoom—thank you for your interest in protecting our metropolitan area’s waters and in being part of our team.

If you couldn’t participate, no problem. Calls are still open through today, December 15. All the information you need is at: Apply today!

Coastal cleanup in Piñones:

Thank you to the 29 volunteers who joined us in La Pocita del Terraplén! On Saturday, December 9, 2023, we were part of the great coastal cleanup Limpieza de costas Deja una huella limpia en Piñones; a collaboration between LimPiaR, COPI, Arrecifes Pro-Ciudad, CRES, Surfrider Foundation and the Estuario, which covered the northern coastal region from Boca de Cangrejos to Vacía Talega.

At La Pocita, we collected 35 bags of solid waste; for a total of 1,153 pounds. We also removed 213 pans of oils and grease, equivalent to approximately 700 gallons. This collaboration is part of the actions for the reduction of aquatic waste of the Estuario. Learn more about these initiatives at:

Maintenance of Vivero Estuario:

Last Saturday, December 9, 2023, 12 volunteers joined our coastal resilience coordinator, Andreína Alexatos and our youth participation coordinator, Agnes Pagán, to the maintenance of Vivero Estuario, located at Centro TAU in Loiza. They processed 800 red mangrove propagules, 90 button mangrove seedlings, and 30 white mangrove seedlings. They pruned, watered, cleaned up, and took a big step toward restoring our shores. Thank you!

Honorary Society for Scientific Research recognizes our Scientific Director as a new member:

We are immensely pleased to announce the induction of our Scientific Director, Jorge Bauzá, to Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society. This society, founded in 1886 at Cornell University, boasts among its members more than 200 Nobel Laureates. We consider ourselves fortunate to have Jorge—and his unwavering commitment to science and the environment—in our team. Congratulations!

Media coverage

Redacción. December 12, 2023. Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan realizará feria de empleo. Contenido destacado. El Vocero de Puerto Rico ( Web.

Brenda Torres. December 11, 2023. Feria de empleo en el Estuario. Entrevista en vivo. Hoy Día Puerto Rico. Telemundo. Web:

Redacción. December 10, 2023. Recogen unas 6,000 libras de basura en litoral costero de Loíza. Periódico Es Noticia ( Web.

Redacción. December 10, 2023. Recogen cerca de 6,000 libras de basura en las playas de Loíza. El Vocero de Puerto Rico ( Web.

Redacción. December 10, 2023. Recogen cerca de 6 mil libras de basura que bañistas dejaron en playas de Loíza. Locales. Metro Puerto Rico ( Web.

Amanda Pérez Pintado. December 9,l 2023. Voluntarios recogen 6,000 libras de basura en la costa de Piñones durante un evento de limpieza. Ciencia y ambiente. El Nuevo Día ( Web.

Manuel Guillama Capella. December 8, 2023. Llueven las enmiendas recomendadas al plan para enfrentar el cambio climático en Puerto Rico. Ciencia y ambiente. El Nuevo Día ( Web.

Monitoreo bacteriológico semanal

Evaluation conducte Thursday, December 14, 2023. We have a RED flag for the Condado Lagoon Natural Estuarine Reserve. We recommend avoiding the areas that exceeded the Beach Action Value water quality parameter of 70 CFU/100 ML. Have a good weekend!

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