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Water Quality Day

The Water Quality Day is the biggest participatory science event in Puerto Rico.

The Water Quality Day is the biggest participatory science event in Puerto Rico. It is coordinated by the Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan in collaboration with state and federal agencies, environmental organizations, private organizations, and our volunteer community. This event has been celebrated every year since 2009, with the purpose of motivating citizens to perform simple water quality tests in rivers, lakes, lagoons, estuaries, and the ocean. The goal is to create awareness about the importance of keeping our water in good condition. 

This event is sponsored by the CE99206929 grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

How can I participate?

Register your data here

In this section you will be able to register your data from the Water Quality Day.

Navigate previous monitoring stations

These are added to the Earth Echo World Water Challenge database. See them here.

Monitoring Stations Map

This map will help you locate bodies of water close to your area. Help us fill this map with monitoring stations. You can also see which zones/stations have been chosen by other people and/or groups.

Learn about the Water Quality Kit

We provide you a kit with monitoring equipment free of charge. It includes reactive chemicals, a thermometer, and other materials that will allow you to perform a water quality test.

Click here to download the kit’s general instructions:

*Kits are available in our workshops and in our offices.

*Once the event concludes, all participants must agree to return the kit to our offices in-person or by mail.

Register your data here

In this section you will be able to register your data from the Water Quality Day.

2021 Map of Data

To view the data from previous Water Quality Day, click Monitor water

Estaciones seleccionadas para monitorear
DMCA 2021

To view the 2020 table of data, visit this link: Monitoring Day 2020: Live data

E. COLI Bacteriological Monitoring Kit

The CBT (Compartment Test Bag) monitoring kit is a rapid test that does not require special training or equipment to gather data about the fecal bacteria E. coli. While this test cannot be used for regulatory purposes, it will provide a semi-quantitative result and information on the levels of fecal contamination in a surface water sample.

To register your data:

Summary of instructions for the Bacteriological Monitoring Kit:

Analysis sheet and results report from the Bacteriological Monitoring Kit:

Official instructions for the Bacteriological Monitoring Kit (English):

General information about fecal bacteria:

Procedures for the Puerto Rico Water Quality Monitoring Day

Programa del Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan
P.O. Box 9509
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00908-9509

Documents to Download

Data Sheet:

Incident Form:

Release of Responsibility:


Monitoring Kit Official Instructions:


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