This Christmas season of 2022-2023, from December 14 to January 5, Estuario carried out the traditionalGamaliel Pagan Hernández Christmas Bird Counts.
In short:
- We conducted 24 censuses throughout 18 areas of the San Juan Bay Estuary watershed.
- We documented a total of 89 species.
- 140 volunteers participated, dedicating their time and effort to count the birds that inhabit the different ecosystems of the estuarine basin.
Many thanks to all the managers, administrators and entities that allowed us access to their natural areas. We also appreciate the support to the volunteers and citizen scientists who accompanied us.
We will continue working and coordinating more bird count activities this 2023, for the welfare of our species and the conservation of our estuarine ecosystems. Stay tuned for our updates and social networks for upcoming activities, workshops, and field trips!
Explore in more detail the information collected during the Gamaliel Pagán Hernández Christmas Bird Censuses, on the eBird platform: