Educational Activities
Days of Environmental Story Readings
The month of June 2020 kicked off with the second and last story reading from Jornada de Cuentos Ambientales: del Bosque al Estuario, led by education manager Eliezer Nieves, in collaboration with the Interamerican University Metro Campus’ Santa Ana Environmental Center. The story, titled El Querequequé llega a CASA, was read by its author Zulma Ayes Santiago through Zoom on June 3, 2020.

Professional Estuarine Training Workshops
Education Manager Eliezer Nieves and Education Coordinator Coral Avilés organized and facilitated two professional training workshop series, for educators and environmental interpreters. Each series included two workshops, provided online through Zoom to accommodate physical distancing measures adopted to avoid COVID-19 contagion.
The Estuarine Training Workshops for Educators were given on Wednesdays, June 10 and June 24, 2020. The workshops had an attendance of 113 and 78 people, respectively.
The Estuarine Training Workshops for Environmental Interpreters happened on Fridays, June 12 and June 26, 2020. These had an attendance of 120 and 115 people, respectively.

Endemic Bird Workshop
Estuario collaborated with Birds Caribbean to offer a workshop on endemic bird species inhabiting the San Juan Bay Estuary Watershed. Education Manager Eliezer Nieves and Education Coordinator Coral Avilés facilitated the workshop. It was provided through Zoom on June 18 2020, in Spanish and English.

Workshops for Citizen Scientists
Citizen Scientists Certification Workshop Series
Continuing the trend of workshops virtualization due to the pandemic, Estuario provided a second workshop series of its Citizen Scientists Certification Program through the month of June 2020. These workshops offered introductory themes on the modules of Water Quality Monitoring, Participatory Bird Census, and Microplastics Characterization. They were led by Citizen Science and Water Quality Monitoring Coordinator Harold Manrique, Education Coordinator Coral Avilés and Stakeholder & Aquatic Debris Projects Coordinator Cristina Ramírez, respectively.

Water Quality Monitoring Day Training Workshop
We’re on our way to celebrating the Water Quality Monitoring Day of Puerto Rico, on August 29 2020. Estuario continues providing training workshops online, which allows the capacitation of more people through the pandemic-induced physical distancing measures. Estuario provided a workshop on June 17, 2020, led by Water Quality Monitoring Day Coordinator Ricardo Quiñones, Water Quality Monitoring & Citizen Scientists Certification Coordinator Harold Manrique, and Stakeholders & Aquatic Debris Projects Coordinator Cristina Ramírez. Next workshop will be on July 29, 2020.

Media Coverage & Publications
Podcasts Launch: Estuario Sonoro & Estuario Profundo
As part of its efforts to improve the state and management of water bodies within the SJBE watershed through community, educational and culturally relevant initiatives, Estuario released the bi-weekly podcasts Estuario Sonoro on Monday, June 15 2020 and Estuario Profundo on Monday, June 22 2020. These podcasts aim to strengthen Estuario’s bonds with watershed communities and the general public.
Estuario Sonoro features a variety-show format, presenting community leaders as guests and informational capsules covering a range of relevant themes.
Estuario Profundo contains in-depth interviews with key actors in the restoration and management of water bodies surrounding SJBE watershed communities.
Both podcasts are available in all major platforms, and can also be streamed through

Estuary Cinema Showing
On Saturday June 6 2020, Cine del Estuario presented the documentary Nuestra Insurrección Energética, in collaboration with the Association of Documentalists of Puerto Rico, Casa Pueblo, and Tranqui Entertainment. It was transmitted live to the public through a Facebook Video Premiere, continuing the precedent set by the presentation of Las Estrellas del Estuario in April 2020.
The 35-minute documentary was followed by a live panel, led by Executive Director Brenda Torres Barreto, in conversation with the documentary Director Rhett Lee García Figueroa and Casa Pueblo Associate Director Arturo Massol-Deyá. The panel covered community empowerment experiences as a base to achieve energetic autonomy and the potential to emulate these experiences in other communities in Puerto Rico.

Dancing the Bomba with Bataklán
Estuario released a series of videos featuring several Bomba rhythms and dance steps for people to try from their homes through physical distancing due to the pandemic. The videos were produced by Bomba group Bataklán, in support of community resilience efforts in Piñones, Loíza, PR.
Here’s the Playlist:
Water Quality Monitoring Day Promo Video
Estuario produced a video promo for the Water Quality Monitoring Day event, taking place Saturday, August 29, 2020, 9AM-11AM.
Benefits of Green Infrastructure in Urban Environments: an Infographic
Estuario produced this infographic in support of its Green Infrastructure projects in watershed communities.

Campaigns for Watershed Communities
In continuation of the new paradigm set by physical distancing measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19, Estuario continued its close relationship with communities and Community Resilience Hubs through virtual methods. Additional to meetings with community leaders through Zoom Estuario has continued designing and publishing a myriad of campaigns directed to informing the public about COVID-19, best contagion avoidance practices, how to establish action plans in case of an emergency and the importance of self-care.
Media Coverage
Alvarado León, G.E. June 10 2020. Programa del Estuario ofrece talleres ambientales de forma virtual. El Nuevo Día. Web.
Alvarado León, G.E. June 14 2020. Estuario ofrece talleres ambientales en línea. El Nuevo Día. Ambiente Hoy. p. 37.
Alicea Torres, K. June 15 2020. Programa del Estuario lanza podcast para fomentar la educación ambiental. El Nuevo Día. Web.
Alvarado, G.E. June 28 2020. Educan hacia la sostenibilidad. El Nuevo Día. Ambiente Hoy. pp. 36-37.