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Community Protocol to Submit Complaints and File Environmental Violation Reports

Please obtain the following documentation:

    1. Location of the incident (street name, sector, municipality, etc.)
    2. Date the incident occurred (if possible, include the time) 
    3. Name of the complainant
    4. Complainant’s contact information (Phone, email)
    5. Photographs of the incident from different angles (For example: closest street sign, area affected by flooding or clandestine landfill, etc.) 
    6. Coordinates from a cell phone, GPS, or Google Earth. 
    7. Select the incident type based on the following options:  
      • Discharge of contaminated waters
      • Objectionable odors
      • Felling and/or pruning of trees or other types of vegetation
      • Using fill material in forests
      • Using fill material in streams
      • Drilling holes in the ground
      • Moving earth with machinery from one place to another
      • Dead fish and/or other organisms
      • Use of heavy machinery in wetlands
      • Suspicious construction
      • Others (clandestine landfills, etc.)
    8. Provide a brief description of the incident. If there are previous complaints (for example, a broken pipe that was fixed last month and burst again), include the complaint number in the description, if available. Include whether the government, media, or another agency has been notified. Also include if there is a community group following up on the matter or if others have reported the incident (in this case, include the date the report was made and the complaint number, if available)

Report the situation to the relevant authorities: 

  1. Submit the complaint to the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources by completing the form available at or by calling the Puerto Rico Natural Resources Ranger Corps at: (787) 724-5700 | (787) 771-1124 | (787) 230-5550. Pump Stations – Puerto Rico Natural Resources Ranger Corps, San Juan (787) 230-5550
  2. Report the environmental violation to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Response Center by completing the form available at: and calling 1 -800-424-8802.
  3. Wastewater infrastructure – Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) – Complaints (787) 620-2482
  4. Submit reports of breakdowns or discharges to stormwater infrastructure according to the municipality in which the incident occurred:
    • Bayamón: Departamento de Reforestación, Ornato y Embellecimiento” (787) 288-0562; “Programa de protección ambiental” (787) 785-9250 (can be called for debris removal and emptying of septic tanks); “Departamento de Vigilantes Ambientales” 787-780-8101 and “Departamento de Protección Ambiental” 787-785-9250
    • Cataño: Obras Públicas”: [email protected] 787-788-0404
    • Canóvanas: Oficina de Planificación y Desarrollo Económico” 787-957-1075
    • Carolina:Departamento de Obras Públicas y Ornato” 787-641-2000 / 787-752-9636; “Oficina de Asuntos Ambientales” (787) 757-2626 ext. 3405
    • Guaynabo:Departamento de Control Ambiental y Reciclaje” 787-720-4040 ext. 3213, 3128; “Oficina de Permisos” 787-720-4040, ext. 2217, 2229
    • Loíza: Servicios a la comunidad” 787-876-1040 ext. 1317,1318; 787-876-4386
    • San Juan: San Juan A Tu Servicio” (787) 480-2650; “Oficina de Cumplimiento y Planificación Ambiental” – 787-480-6011
    • Toa Baja:Obras Públicas” (787) 794-5196 ext. 3030; “Oficina de Planificación”: 787-261-0202 ext. 2426, 3402
    • Trujillo Alto:
    • Oficina de Planificación y Ordenación Territorial” (787) 761-0172 ext. 2174; [email protected]
  5. If the situation you are experiencing represents a risk to your physical integrity, life, or property (landslide, river flooding, etc.) contact the Emergency Management Office (OMME, its Spanish acronym) that corresponds to your municipality:
    • Bayamón:  787-786-6400
    • Cataño:  787-788-0028
    • Canóvanas: 787-876-2420
    • Carolina: 787-701-4455
    • Guaynabo: 787-720-2320
    • Loíza: 787-876-3561; 787-876-1040 ext. 1800
    • San Juan: 787-430-2030; 787-480-2222
    • Toa Baja:  787-795-4040
    • Trujillo Alto:  787-760-4440
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