This week we celebrate the “Community Leaders, Community Groups and Community Self-Management Week”, established by Act 102 of 2003 for the first week of March each year.

We highlight the tireless, dedicated, and voluntary work of our estuarine leaders, who have achieved resilience, organization, and environmental justice for their communities.
The leaders of the basin communities serve as a liaison between Estuario and its public, thus informing the activities we implement in our work plan.

Learn the exceptional stories of leaders who fought and continue to fight for their communities. Listen to the Voices of the Estuary podcast, an oral history archive of lives and experiences within the San Juan Bay estuary watershed.

We also invite you to read the book Voces Estuarinas: Historias de vida en las comunidades que conforman el Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan (Estuarine Voices: Life Stories in the Communities that Make Up the San Juan Bay Estuary):
Estuario facilitates the organization and self-management of its estuarine communities through Resilient Hubs established throughout the watershed. Here, we share a video of the initiative: