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Median annual household income

This map shows the median annual household income within the basin of the Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan, according to the United States Census Bureau.

The annual household income in this zone averages $23,164. These are the household incomes divided by the nine municipalities:

  •   Bayamón ($43,000)
  •   Guaynabo ($40,000)
  •   Trujillo Alto ($30,000)
  •   Carolina ($28,000)
  •   Toa Baja ($25,000)
  •   San Juan ($22,000)
  •   Canóvanas ($19,000)
  •   Loíza ($18,000)
  •   Cataño ($8,000)

In geographical terms, we can see that the highest annual income averages are concentrated in the census tracts in the southeast and south of the basin including the areas of Bayamón, Guaynabo, and south San Juan. Another zone with high median income extends through the Atlantic coast from Condado in the municipality of San Juan to Isla Verde in Carolina.

The information from the census is aggregated following the official administrative divisions of the United States Census Bureau, which have been established according to the level of detail and the geographical scale in which it is desired to work. In the case of Puerto Rico, some of these official divisions are municipalities, neighborhoods, census tracts, and census blocks, among others. Census sectors are delimited by adding small regions that contain a certain homogeneity in their population characteristics, economic status, and living conditions. They are contiguous areas where the main criterion for their definition is that the total population fluctuates around 4,000 people.

Median Annual Household Income in the Municipalities in the Estuary
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